17.- 18. 9. 2018 OSTRAVASvatováclavský hudební festival Jan Dismas Zelenka, Johann Sebastian Bach more HERE> 19. 8. 2018 VRCHLABÍFestival Karla Halíře Jan Dismas Zelenka, Johann Sebastian Bach, Peter Graham more HERE> 17. 6. 2018 PRAHA / Španělská synagogaprolog k festivalu "Bach for all" Bach, Zelenka 7. 3. 2018 PRAHA / Novoměstská radniceTribute to J. D. Zelenka, Concert under the auspices of the German ambassador and the baptism of the new CD ![]() 19. 12. 2017 BERLINBerliner Philharmonie Jan Dismas Zelenka, François Couperin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Isang Yun 16. 10. 2017 BRNO, Festival "Moravský podzim"Jan Dismas Zelenka, Johann Sebastian Bach, Marek Kopelent 27. 8. 2017 MURTEN (CH), Festival Murten ClassicJan Dismas Zelenka, Johann Sebastian Bach, Chiabrano 9. 4. 2017 BADEN-BADEN, OsterfestspieleJan Dismas Zelenka, Johann Sebastian Bach, Isang Yun 7. 4. 2017 TIENGENJan Dismas Zelenka, Johann Sebastian Bach, Isang Yun 30. 6. 2016 LITOMYŠL, SMETANOVA LITOMYŠL FestivalPiaristický chrám Nalezení sv. Kříže, 19:30 Jan Dismas Zelenka, Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach, François Couperin. more HERE> 25. 5. 2016 PRAGUE / HAMU / 1pmMaster Class with Members of Berlin Philharmonic Dominik Wollenweber /oboe Mor Biron / basson 24. 5. 2016 PRAGUE / PRAGUE SPRING FestivalChurch St. Anna Zelenka, Couperin, Bach, Stockhausen, Huber more HERE> 1. 6. 2015 POLAND / MikolowChurch of St. Jan J. D. Zelenka A. Vivaldi J. S. Bach more HERE> 26. 5. 2015, PRAGUE, Klementinum, Zrcadlová kaple"...Avec l´estprit francais..." Vilém Veverka - oboe Mor Biron - basoon Barbara Maria Willi - harpsichord G. Ph. Telemann, G. Tartini, A. Vivaldi, P. Martini more HERE 17. 11. 2014, CYCLE OF EARLY MUSIC CONCERTS, Barbara Maria Willi presents... "FAGOTISSIMO"BRNO, Konvent Milosrdných bratří Mor Biron - fagot Barbara Maria Willi - harpsichord G. Ph. Telemann, G. Tartini, A. Vivaldi, P. Martini more HERE 14. 9. 2014, Chateau LYSICE, Large saloonBarbara Maria Willi - harpsichord Vilém Veveka - oboe J. S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, G. P. Telemann, F. Couperin, P. Graham more HERE 10. 7. 2014 FESTIVALL MITTE EUROPA, Artist in Residence KonzertOBERKOTZAU, Church of St. Jacob Sonatas of J. D. Zelenka a J. S. Bach more HERE> 8. 4. 2014 PRAG, Church of St. Simon and JudeComprehensive sonatas of Jan Dismas Zelenka more HERE more HERE Oboist Vilem Veverka perform in Prague with Ensemble Berlin Prag For the first time in Prague sounds comprehensive sonatas of Jan Dismas Zelenka 7. 4. 2014 PRAG, Botschaft der BRDJ. D. Zelenka,J. S. Bach, I. Yun 10. 6. 2013 JANÁČKŮV MÁJPŘÍBOR, Konvent of Piarists Comprehensive sonatas of Jan Dismas Zelenka more HERE 9. 6. 2013 FESTIVAL CONCENTUS MORAVIAEChateau LYSICE The Ensemble Berlin Prag premiered collection of all Zelenka´s trio sonatas in the Czech Republic as the first ensemble ever. more HERE